Sunday 19 June 2011

23 Must See Places Around the World

Ok guys, by no means is this is complete list. I’ve traveled my fair share (all continents except Antarctica) BUT I’m 26 and have yet to see and never will see the entire world, duh! So here is my list along with a short explanation of the Top 23 Places to Visit Around the World.
  1. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil-Not only is this one of the most naturally beautiful cities in the world, it’s home for Carnival every February or March. If dancing with thousands of other hot bodied Brazilians sounds like fun to you, this is your heaven!
  2. Rio
  3. Cape Town, South Africa-The second most naturally beautiful set city in the world. I had the pleasure of being in Cape Town during last World Cup, but even without it, Cape Town is a gem. You have winery’s galore, Great White Shark cage diving if your so inclined, hiking, fine dining, and a cosmopolitan atmosphere all at your fingertips.
  4.  Cape Town
  5. Koh Tao, Thailand-A small backpacker town in the south islands of Thailand. This place reigns supreme to get certified for diving. Plus, you have the chance to see 10 meter Whale Sharks cruising about. If diving is not your thing, chilled out bars and restaurants where you can lounge the day away awate you.
  6. Koh Tao diving
  7. Ha Long Bay, Vietnam-A World Heritage site in the north of Vietnam where you can choose to go on 1, 2, or 3 day cruises. They can range from leisurely cruises to full out party madness. If you’re young and looking for a great way to meet people and party, go through Hanoi Backpackers, they rock!
  8. Ha Long Bay
  9. Petra, Jordan-This is for you history buffs out there. Petra is an ancient city carved in the side of red rock cliffs. It’s an excellent place to hike around and who doesn’t like a place where they filmed Indiana Jones, right?
  10. jordan
  11. Angkor Wat, Cambodia-The largest religious complex in the world including many temples. Angkor Wat blew me away by its shear size and complexity. Another must for those into history and culture. Plus, they filmed part of Tomb Raider there too!
  12. Blog
  13. Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe-Class 5 rapids, threat of being eaten by crocodiles or hippos. What’s not to like! To see the  massive amounts of water spill over huge cliffs is impressive, but what’s even more is to raft the Zambezi below and feel the rush!
  14. Vic Falls
  15. Whitsunday Islands, Australia-Home to the finest and whitest sand in the world. They even made the lens for the Hubble Telescope out of the sand! The azure waters, soft, pure sand, and cruising on sailboat for any number of days is a must.
  16. DSC_0914
  17. Great Barrier Reef, Australia-For those of us who enjoy the underwater world, this is the Holy Grail of diving. I’ve never seen water so blue or coral so vibrant.
  18. GB Reef
  19. Munich, Germany-I’ve visited Munich several times, but by far the best time to visit is during Oktoberfest. The fun loving atmosphere as well as huge 1 liter beer steins are an experience to be had.
  20. Oktoberfest
  21. Siena, Italy-I might be a little biased when it comes to Siena. I mean, I studied there when I finished my degree, so Siena will always have a special place in my heart. That said, it is said to be the best kept medieval town in all of Europe. Plus, its home to the Palio, a bareback horse race taking place in the center piazza twice a year. Sign me up!
  22. Siena
  23. Paris, France-My favorite of all European cities. For me, it’s hard not to fall in love with the city. Amazing attractions for tourists, fantastic food, friendly people (although I’ve heard differently from many others), and a generally slower pace of life. Give it a try and if you have a sweetheart, bring him/her along with you. You won’t regret it.
  24. Paris
  25. Lawrencetown, Ireland-Ok, I almost guarantee nobody has ever heard of this place. Hell, I never did until I visited a friend who lives there. It’s a small town in the center of Ireland. The locals are what makes this place amazing. I was in my first Irish Bar for less then 5 minutes before a shot was bought for me by a local. I’m putting Laurencetown on the map!
  26. Laurencetown
  27. Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania-If you like National Geographic your going to love this place. Literally, I felt like I was on a TV show. Zebra, Wildebeest, Hyenas, Lions, Ostrich, Hippos and many more animals roam this self enclosed ecosystem.
  28. Lion
  29. Koh Phangan, Thialand-Home to the Full Moon Party every month. Although the less visited side of the island is said to be more pristine and beautiful, I never visited it. I came for the party and party alone. A minimum of 20,000 people (and up to 100,000) on the beach dancing, drinking, and partying. What’s not to like?
  30. fullmoon3
  31. Salzburg, Austria-On a clear day with a view of the Alps, you can’t beat the home to The Sound of Music. Even when you can’t see the surrounding mountains, the dominating castle over the town as well as dozens of cathedrals make this a charming town.
  32. Salzburg
  33. Dahab, Egypt-Set on the Red Sea overlooking Saudi Arabia across the azure water, this is a perfect backpacker getaway. It is literally dirt cheap there. $5/night for nice accomodation, $3 for a 5 course meal, and cheap diving in one of the best dive locations in the world. If you are a diver, do the Blue Hole. AMAZING!
  34. Dahab
  35. Sardegna, Italy-If bombing around an island in scooters sounds like fun to you, go here! I went in the off season and had an apartment with 6 other friends for $10/night. The water is insanely clear, the people are incredibly friendly, and the landscape is gorgeous.
  36. Sardegna
  37. Siwa, Egypt-If you looking for a desert safari, this is the place to go. You can rent a Range Rover and bomb around the huge sand dunes, visit oasis springs, camp overnight under insanely clear skies, and live like a desert nomad. Just be aware of the sand beetles that may crawl over you in your sleep!
  38. Siwa
  39. Lahaina, Hawai’i-Another place I may be biased towards since I have lived there and loved it. Huge beaches, snorkeling, diving, fishing, whales, dolphins, resorts, golfing…The list can go on and on. No wonder so many people from the United States mainland come and visit.
  40. Lahaina
  41. New York City, New York-If you want a taste of America, this is it. Big buildings, big business, big life! In just about every city block, you have everything you could ever want (That might be a bit of an exaggeration, but not too far off).
  42. New York
  43. Vang Vieng, Laos-A place where you do just about everything you shouldn’t do while you’re on a river. Picture, bars lining a river, people floating down on tubes and being pulled in from bar to bar, zip-lines, rope swings, water slides, and all this done usually under the influence of alcohol. As long as you don’t get hurt, this place is crazy fun!
  44. laos2
  45. Cappodocia, Turkey-This region holds some of the craziest rock formations I have ever seen. A way of life has been formed out of living in caves and hillsides. Rent a mountain bike and cruise around this unique landscape. It’s well worth the $10
  46. cappadocia
This by no means is a complete list of the best places in the world, just my opinion of 23 must sees in the world. I would love to hear what you all think as well. Lord knows, I need more travel ideas and destinations. Any big ones I’m missing out there?

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