Saturday 2 July 2011


Kinnaur, the land of the mythological Kinnaras is a deeply laced-in terrain along the Sutlej River with many side valleys, by which the district is thoroughly divided. Due to its geographical setting, Kinnaur has two distinct climatic zones - the wet and the arid.

Only the area south of the Great Himalaya (Sutlej and Baspa valleys) receives monsoon rains. In the upper reaches of the district, the monsoon showers progressively decrease. Recong Peo, the district headquarters may be considered as a place where the Great Himalayan range obstructs the march of the monsoon. From this point on the vegetation rapidly becomes sparser ultimately to remain only along the Sutlej River.

The harsh winter with heavy snowstorms lasts from October to May leaving only June to September for the short summer and vegetation to grow.

A rare style of wood architecture finds its climax in the temple of Sarahan, located at the border between the Shimla hills and Lower Kinnaur.

The southern area of Kinnaur may be regarded as a transition zone between Hinduism of the Indian plains, a unique animism of local kind - especially snake worship - and Buddhism, prevalent in the hills. At the village of Pooh, one enters the cultural realm of Tibet.

Although the climatic conditions may be considered as extremely hard the people of Kinnaur are well acclimatised to their surroundings bearing strong yet fine natural features and characteristics typical for all mountain folks.

In the regions below Kalpa their faces reveal Persian influences which may be derived from the armies of Alexander the Great having reached as far as here and having settled and mixed with the locals. In the northern areas the Tibetan features dominate.

Therefore also the habits vary south and north of this "monsoon-border", both being equally unique, not only in architecture but also in languages of their own and a rich heritage of folk and fairy tales, songs, dances, festivities, fairs, costumes and ornaments.

General Information

Climate: This region is called as cold desert and not having monsoon. In winter the temperature can drop below freezing point when heavy woollens are required, in summer the weather remains pleasant when light woollens are advised.


Nearest Airports are at Kullu (Bhunter) 250 km and Shimla 445 km. Kaza can be approached by road from Shimla (May to October) and from Manali 200 km via Kunzum Pass (June to October).


The Tourist Lodge Kaza is an ideal base to make sorties to discover the beautiful valley of Spiti.

Address. Tourist Lodge, Kaza-172114, spiti Sub Division, H.P. Tel. : (01906) 222566.

Accommodatian: 4 DBRs and Tented Colony with 5 tents.
Facilities Spacious rooms having attached bath with running hot and cold water. Parking within premises. Restaurant.

Places of Interest

Recong Peo : (2670m) located 240 kms from Shimla, 7 kms from Powari and 13 kms from Kalpa. Recong Peo is the Headquarter of the district Kinnaur. Provides fine view of the Kinner Kailash.

Kothi : Just 3 km from Recong Peo Kothi has an ancient temple dedicated to the goddess Chanadika Devi. Set against a backdrop of mountains of deodar the temple has an unusual ard1itectural style and fine sculpture. An exquisite gold image of the goddess is enshrined in the sanctrum.

Sangla Valley: If a landscape had the powers of casting spells, then the Sangla Valley would be a magician-extraordinary. Once seen, it is a place that can never be forgotten.

Even the rushing waters of the Baspa River, that flows through its 95 km length, seem to absorb some of the magic and slow down to savour its Snow-framed beauty. 2 km from Sangla is the fort of Kamru (3000m) its tower like architecture, resembles that of the Bhimakali complex and this was the original seat of the rulers of Bushehar.

Chitkul (3450) is the last village of the Valley and beyond lies Tibet. The area is well known for its saffron farms and the Baspa river is an excellent place for angling for trout. The Hotel shrikhand acts as the perfect base to visit the enchanting valley.

Rlba (2745m) ; Just 18km from Powari on NH-22 is Riba, famous for its vineyards and local wine " Angoori" that is made from the grapes.

Jangi (2790m) : 26 km from Powari, the inner border is located here beyond which foreigners require permit to travel upto Tabo. From this point the famous Kinner Kailash Parikarama Trek starts touching Morang. Thangi and Kunocharang villages and entering Chitkul village in sangla Valley.

From here one can drive to Leh in the neighbouring state of Jammu and Kashmir. This road is being increasingly used by tourists to Leh for the past 5-6 years. If Kinnaur is "god's gift," then Spiti is the place "where the gods live." The gompa at Tabo is called the "Ajanta of the Himalayas" as it has exquisite frescoes and stucco statues. The monastic complex here has nine temples, 23 chortens, monks' and nuns' chambers.

Tabo's sanctity, in transHimalayan Buddhism, is next only to Tibet's Tholing gompa. Further above is Kaza, the base to visit the Hikim, Komik and Langja monasteries. En route from Tabo is Dhankar gompa, a masterpiece of local architecture as also castle of the ruler of Spiti. Still further is an important monastery at Ki and Kibber (4,205 metres above sea level) is the region's highest permanently inhabited village connected by a motorable road.

Puh (2837m) : Lush green fields orchards of apricot vineyards and almond trees, are to be seen on the route of Puh. Just 58 km from Powari along the NH-22, Puh has rest house and hotel facilities.

Nako (3662m) :117 km from Kalpa. In Hangrang valley is the largest village above sea level. It is also famous for Nako Lake which has boating facilities in summer and during winter its frozen surface is used for ice skating. Buddhist monastery is located here.

KAZA: (3600m) Once was the capital of Nono the chief of spiti, Kaza situated at an altitude of 3600m above sea level on the left bank of Spiti, presently is the Head quarter of spiti Sub Division. This beautiful place has buddhist monastery and Hindu Temple.

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